Thursday, March 3, 2011

Delay Menstruation 18 Signs

March 8, the day of the working woman. Equal to the crisis, equal in the fight!

If you are currently working women by gender bias, we find a more disadvantaged than men in terms of type of employment, job maintenance, and collection of pensions, approved the Social and Economic Agreement that hardens the pension system, along with labor reform and reduction of public spending, the situation before us is not flattering.

Except in times of war, where women have been those that have kept the production to be the only ones left in the place of origin, whenever there is an economic crisis, one of the first groups that suffer the effects of unemployment and thus worsening the quality of life are women.

Yes, again the binomial capitalism, patriarchy running an attack on labor and social rights, against the entire working class and citizenship, but with special ferocity in the feminine group. Perpetuating this system of domination and exploitation, conceived, founded and propped on inequality and discrimination based on class and gender.

According to the EPA (Labour Force Survey), the unemployment rate in 2010 was 20.33%, 4,696,000 unemployed people. The increase in 2010 of 370,100 people, was female and 217,400 male 152,700 people, having a greater concentration in Andalusia, Catalonia and Madrid.

Women are the ones who occupy the highest percentage of part-time, 80.6% and 45.01% of the total number of contributors to Social Security.

Regarding the perception of contributory retirement pension according to the Ministry of Health, Social Affairs and Equal to date December 1, 2010, the average pension for women is at € 852.02 in respect of which € 1,194.86 men earn.

That is, we have more difficulty finding employment, when we found him in precarious situations is our contribution base is less than that of men.

not only during working life have a lower quality of life for the job characteristics, among other reasons, but once arrived retirement age are poorer and live longer.

However, the majority of women in retirement, not having the minimum contribution period in the tax system are referred to women receiving welfare pensions. The 82.46% (163,841) of people who perceive the PNCJ (Non-contributory Retirement Pension) are women and charge a monthly fee of € 347.60 in 2011, and of these, 34.47% live alone. (Data taken from IMSERSO) With the approval

Dependency Act, other nut more, the catalog of services and provides the economic benefit for care in a family environment through which it is argued dignify the caretaker role of women through the listing on the Special Regime carers. Of course, acknowledging the basis of lowest bid in the General System of Social Security.

IMSERSO According to February 1, 2011 are 143,071 women versus 9,566 men carers of dependent relatives. Nothing more than the 93.73% of people who take care of dependents who are entitled to the catalog of services and benefits are women, trading lower.

This is the real state of poverty and women's purpose in society on the assumption that the welfare state has come to take shape.

Let us not fool with both contributory pensions and non-contributory and trading system that you access most women are not worthy or live or independently.

The employers and the government have raised the pension reform agreed with the official trade unions CCOO and UGT, where we spent a contribution period of 15 years today for the last 25 years of work, plus three and a half years contribution, 35 to 38 years and a half to qualify for the pension. Increase

years to calculate the pension will mean that women who work in precarious, discontinuous form for reasons of maternity and dependent care or do not meet the minimum for calculating entitlement to the contributory retirement pension or the calculation of the contribution base slows so that pensions will be lower each time.

Reforming pensions is the best example to confirm categorically that the inequality between men and women remains a constant and therefore a target against which to fight.

Therefore, since Confederation We reaffirm the National Labour in achieving our objectives: partnership and mutual support among the entire working class men and women, combating discrimination and social and economic inequality. Fighting on all fronts sexism, misogyny and patriarchy is our end ... Same

in crisis! Equal in the fight!

Social Action Secretariat, the Permanent Secretariat of the Committee of the CNT Confederal


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